Drive Performance

Performance development plans to shape your business success

How to improve employee retention and motivation

Importance of talent development

Most businesses recognise that people are what drive value and that is why our employees are often referred to as our most important asset.

Knowledge, skills and abilities are assets which should be invested in and leveraged to add value and drive business performance.

Our expert team recognise how individual HR strategies such as the use of competency frameworks and training and performance development plans shape business success.

Staff Retention Strategies

At the time of writing unemployment is at record low levels and whilst this is great news generally, it is tough for employers trying to keep good staff.

Staff turnover is a high risk and expensive business.

So what can you do to keep your workforce happy, motivated and retain your employees?

1. Salary and benefits must be competitive

Whilst we like to think that people aren’t money motivated, this just simply isn’t the case.

A recent survey by Glassdoor found that salary was the reason that 45% of employees surveyed quit.

A further 56% said that healthcare and insurance keeps them in their job so clearly cash and strong benefits that mean something matter.

2. Clearly define roles

Clear job descriptions mean that expectations are set and understood ensuring maximum efficiency.

Poor job design can result in stress, uncertainty and burnout.

3. Hire the right person at the start

If you hire a job hopper or someone who’s a bad fit for your business, don’t be surprised if they leave.

Get it right from the start.

Test knowledge, experience, capability, skills and cultural fit.

Get the on boarding right and be honest, setting the expectations from the start.

4. Set clear objectives

Without a clear set of objectives, employees are operating blind.

People need purpose and direction to thrive.

5. Invest in good training

Don’t underestimate the power of personal and professional development.

People feel valued when training and development opportunities are provided along with clear progression paths.

To excel employees require the right skills, knowledge and behaviours aligned to your business.

6. Provide support

We all need some empathy, encouragement and recognition.

Communication is essential to keep employees on track.

Employers need to listen, provide feedback and support.

Reviews should take place regularly so employees don’t lose their purpose.

7. Understand work-life balance

The ideal work-life balance is different for everyone and we should do what we can to support this.

This means recognising when employees are struggling with the wrong balance and taking steps to do something about this.

8. Understand what exactly is driving your employees

Find their pain through employee surveys or direct feedback.

What exactly is it that causes them frustration and alleviate this.

What do they want to make life less painful? Provide this.

9. Don’t take people for granted

Good workers are easily taken for granted.

Don’t get into this trap.

Reward and recognise their efforts.

Be mindful of those who may not be complaining, but are quietly feeling exhausted or frustrated about what is expected from them.

10. Offer valuable learning opportunities

Employees who are engaged in learning are more engaged at work.

Learning isn’t the same as training.

Help your staff grow and expand personally and professionally.

Consider role expansion opportunity, mentoring and career development so employees know what progression opportunities are available to them.

11. Have leaders, not bosses.

People follow leaders.

They let employees know where the company is headed.

Bosses don’t share information and leave employees neglected and wondering what’s going on.

Good leaders know employees are their most important asset.

They inspire confidence and are there for their staff.

12. Be something they are proud of

Be a business that gives back, encourages and supports your local community, charities and has issues such as the environment and equality high on the agenda.

Build a caring and positive brand for those employees who are passionate and care.

Just remember that your employees aren’t robots, blindly navigating life and work.

They are real people, they care, they have families, lives, emotions.

They want to feel respected, supported and valued.

They want to do their best and with the right retention strategy they will do their best and drive your business performance

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