Workers are better supported

On the 6th April 2020, the Government introduces “Jack’s Law”, ensuring workers are better supported following the loss of a child by providing two week’s paid bereavement leave upon the death of a child aged under 18 or if a baby is stillborn from 24 weeks of pregnancy.

The Regulations allow any working parent, no matter how long they have worked for an employer, to take either one or two weeks’ leave.

Parents employed for six months or longer will also be able to claim statutory pay for their bereavement period in line with the approach for other entitlements such as parental leave, currently set at the lower of £151.20 per week or 90% of salary.

The leave can be taken in either a single block of two weeks or as separate blocks of one week across the first year after their child’s death.

It is worth remembering that this is a basic legal entitlement and employers should consider how else they can support bereaved parents, with additional paid leave, flexible working provisions and employee wellbeing and support initiatives.

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