This month is Stress Awareness Month, an event held every April to raise awareness and help those struggling with stress.

And while stress can take many forms and have a range of causes, work-related stress is recognised as a pervasive problem for both employees and employers alike, and can sometimes lead to further ill health.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have therefore recently published an article promoting their Working Minds Campaign, and the duty of employers and managers to help prevent work-related stress in the workforce.

The HSE suggest that both employers and managers can support the health of their workers using the 5 R’s:

  • Reach out to others and start conversations;
  • Try to recognise the signs and causes of stress;
  • Respond to any risks that are identified
  • Reflect on the actions you’ve agreed and taken; and
  • Try to make this a routine within the workplace.

While HSE suggests introducing this model in Stress Awareness Month, this practice should be integrated into your workplace to ensure that all parties feel sufficiently supported in their mental and physical health.

The HSE also has a series of resources, including risk assessment templates, educational content and Talking Toolkits, alongside plenty of other HSE tools and templates.

There are also plenty of other resources available for both employers and employees:

  • ACAS provides guidance for employers on how to manage work-related stress;
  • Bupa and Mind both offer information on recognising work-related stress, as well as ways that employees can reduce stress at work;
  • Mental Health UK offers information and support, including guidance on stress and stress at work, to both individuals and organisations.
  • Mates in Mind raises awareness of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. It is also currently promoting Stress Awareness Month, with support services, free posters and infographics.
  • The Stress Management Society aims to help both individuals and companies recognise and reduce stress. They have also been promoting this year’s themes for Stress Awareness Month, which is #LittleByLittle; highlighting the importance of small and consistent changes to improve wellbeing.
  • Finally, HelpGuide offers a free guide for employees experiencing stress at work, as well as some guidance for managers to reduce stress at work.

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